TMO, I&I Pazarda (EDK, Industrial & Corporate) is a comprehensive e-commerce site where institutions such as Hotels, Hospitals, Schools, Restaurants can safely procure the products they need from Cleaning Chemicals - Machines, Cleaning Equipment - Consumables, which they need in terms of Cleaning and Hygiene.
While the number of Institutions and Organizations that prefer the Cleaning Materials Office has increased in Turkey, the demands from foreign countries have increased, and our exports have increased. Acting together with our quality, reliable and solution-oriented manufacturers, TMO supports sustainable and innovative competition.
For products that are not available on our site but are needed by you, please send your requests to our e-mail address and we will be part of the solution. Thank you for your trust and choice.
TMO is based on the principle of "The customer wants to hear the solution, not the problem". Professional Cleaning Firms, Catering Firms, Hospitals, Hotels, Dormitories, Restaurants, Schools, Kindergartens, Municipalities, Military Units, Factories, Shopping Malls, Sites, Offices, Plane, Ship, Train and Bus Companies, Social Facilities of Public Institutions and Organizations It is always with its customers as the closest business partner with its marketing, sales and logistics services for the solution of the problems in the supply of Chemicals, Machinery, Equipment and consumables related to Cleaning and Hygiene.
By conducting joint R&D studies with companies producing for the Industrial and Corporate market, it offers more technological, concentrated, economical, hygienic, environmentally and human health-friendly, ergonomic products to its customers instead of ordinary products.
TMO has evaluated issues such as Business Strategies, Business Ethics, Corporate Identity, Profitability as Company Culture and has created its unchangeable Core Values. Company Culture has been created in the light of Universal Core Values, by making use of lived personal experiences and corporate history.
• Respects Traditions and Customs, Adheres to National and Spiritual Values.
• Adopts the "People First" and "Service Principles" in its Relationships.
• Respects Supplier, Customer and Consumer Rights.
• Avoids Unfair Competition and Activities That Will Provide Unfair Profit.
• Gives importance to the vocational training and personal development of its employees and protects their rights.
• Protects and Improves Nature and the Environment.
To be an innovative and reputable institution in the products we produce and the after-sales services we provide, with our management and production strategies that we have developed in the light of the EFQM Excellence Model and our Quality Policy We Have Created within the Framework of Total Quality Management.
Being Priority in Customer Preferences in Domestic and Foreign Markets.
Building Learning Organizations with Our Partners, Employees, Customers and Suppliers; Creating a Reliable, Efficient, Profitable and Result-Oriented Structure is Ensuring its Continuity.
TMO is present in all countries;
In the product and service productions that it specializes in line with its vision; Contemporary, Reliable, Environmentally Sensitive, Respecting Customer Rights, Providing Quality Products, Services and Training, Contributing to All Kinds of Social Rights and Training Needs of Company Employees, Gaining the Trust of Customers, Suppliers and Employees, and Increasing the Reliability of Each One of them Continuously and Fully Understanding of Joint Responsibility Accepted in,
It has undertaken to be an institution that creates innovative and self-improving environments as its mission.
TMO has determined a Quality Policy in order to successfully implement the mission it has undertaken and has created a learning organization that is constantly audited in the light of the EFQM Excellence Model.
• To strive to create a forward-looking and participatory environment in which TMO employees can be even happier.
• To support the establishment of quality awareness at every level of the cleaning sector, starting with the establishments that help TMO production and services.
• To adopt the understanding of continuous quality improvement and to ensure continuity with investment in technological development for this purpose.
• To offer useful and efficient products to our customers, to keep customer satisfaction above all else.
• To increase the knowledge and skills of our employees and to improve their behavior.
• To be a reference company that offers Production, Supply and Service at international standards.
• To ensure that our understanding of increasing quality products and quality solutions reaches all our customers under our security umbrella on time.
TMO has obtained OHSAS 18001 and ISO 22000 quality certificates in order to successfully implement its mission, determined its policies and created a learning organization that is constantly audited in the light of the EFQM Excellence Model.
• To use environmentally friendly inputs and to supply environmentally friendly products to the consumer, together with its suppliers.
• To use raw materials that do not pose a risk in food safety and to protect the health of production areas.
• To consider Occupational and Occupational Health in business processes. prioritizing safety.
• To comply with legal regulations as an institution.
• To ensure continuous improvement and development.
Strong Link of the Chain
Note: Detailed information about the products you supply from us.
(Product Information Form, Product Safety Data Sheet, Quality and Permission Certificates, Hygiene Plan, etc.)
It is presented to you upon request from your TMO Sales and Technical Support Consultant.